youth services
All Genders
Taking a spin on the idea of a “Girl’s Group” and/or “Boys Group”, All Genders was set up March 2022 in Youth Services with the support of RISE Community Health Centre as a weekly youth group for gender diverse youth and their allies to come discuss various topics in a safer space.
The plan was that each Friday participants would meet for an hour and a half to do activities and have discussions regarding a broad topic, then taking a look at it with a gendered lens (ie: Gender in Sports). These discussions would eventually lead up to a doing a social justice group project for the Peer 2 Peer showcase, wrapping the whole program up by mid-May 2022.
HOWEVER, the program participants ignored our “final session” and kept meeting every Friday up until the summer, which was when we launched a longer version of All Genders called TL;DR (Tuesday Livingroom; Drop In, Relax) where activities and discussions continue with a lot of games, bubble tea and laughs!